Q:    Does my child have to wear any special shoes or clothing?

A:    All dancers should wear stretchy bottoms or sweats to class. (They will need to order tap, ballet or jazz shoes before their performance.) Those in ballet classes can wear tights, leotard and a ballet skirt or any other dance outfit.


Q:    Can I stay and watch my child’s class?

A:    Parents are welcome to stay and watch the last 15 minutes of the first class of each month only

       (Mini Feet parents may sit at the back of the class during their child’s class)


Q:    What happens when there is a school holiday or my child misses a class?

A:    Classes are canceled when there is a holiday. Students may make up the missed or canceled class by attending any other class.


Q:    What happens during minimum days?

A:    Classes remain at their normal times during all minimum days.


Q:    Can my child take more than one class per week?

A:    Students may take as many classes as they like at any of our sites. There is a discount for those that take multiple classes. 


Q: Can my child use their cell phone during class?

A: NO. Cell phones will be left in your child’s backpack during class or the instructor might ask that all phones be placed in a basket until the end of class. Your child may use their phone AFTER class if they need to contact you. You can call the instructor if you need to get a message to your child during class.

Q:    I have more than one child. Do you have any discounts for families?

A:    Yes.


Q:    Do you give refunds?

A:    No refunds are given. Missed classes should be made up by attending another class at any time.


Q:    Can my child’s friend or relative stay and watch them dance?

A:    NO. Our insurance only covers our registered dancers. DO NOT drop off any child that is not a registered dancer. You WILL be called to pick them up. A visiting adult family member may watch the last 15 minutes of a class.