
  • CELL PHONES ARE NOT TO BE USED DURING CLASSES. Please respect this policy. If needed, we will collect phones and return them at the end of class.

  • All dancers will wear black leggings or shorts and an On Your Feet T-Shirt ($10) to class. (Ballet & Mini Feet dancers may wear ballet clothes) ABSOLUTELY NO DENIM JEANS OR DENIM SHORTS!

  • They will need to order dance shoes before their performance. Orders will go in at the end of each month. (Hip Hop/Mini Feet $25 - Ballet $20 - Tap $25)

  • Parents are welcome to watch classes from outside ONLY as several students get anxious about being watched and this will help with them to be less distracted and self conscious.                                          

  • Mini Feet parents may stay for the duration of their child’s class as their child may need assistance..

  • It is VERY IMPORTANT that students use the restroom at home BEFORE coming to class as having to stop class and take all of the dancers, takes up a lot of class time. Also, there is only one restroom available. (Girls will use it while the boys wait outside the door. Then the girls will come out and the boys will go in.) I do not send them unattended.

  • PLEASE SEND A WATER BOTTLE to eliminate them having to leave class to use a public water fountain!

  • Tuition is charged per calendar month regardless of the number of classes offered or taken and classes are canceled when there is a holiday. We do not pro-rate (unless you are starting after the first of a month) and no refunds are given.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Students may make up the missed or canceled class by attending any other class at anytime. This is the perfect time to try a different style of dance or a different level.

  • Our insurance only covers our registered dancers. DO NOT drop off any child that is not a registered dancer. You WILL be called to pick them up.

  • A $20.00 late fee will be added to your account if fees are not paid by the 10th of the calendar month.